To the super stoned guy...

To the super stoned guy who made these baby DVDs with random pictures set to music,

Thank you. Thank you for spending a lot of your time thinking of the most random creepy series of photos you could put on a slideshow and set to music. Your idea is nothing short of brilliant. Your countless hours of eating Cheetos and working hard is seriously paying off in my house. My son loves your collection of photos that include random old men smiling and making the "o" face, penguins, babies playing, random balls floating in water, and sunflowers. I have no idea what you were thinking really, but I'm so glad you thought it. He sits in his bouncy seat through the entire dvd, cooing and smiling and kicking his legs. At first I was thankful because I thought this would allow me time to get some things done. But it hasn't. It hasn't because right when I walk by on my way to get the vaccum, I'm captivated. It's the weirdest, most fascinating series of images I've ever seen. I applaud you. I don't applaud the mushrooms you must have eaten before you created it, but I must admit... You've got a good thing going. 


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