Goodbye,'re just too much.

I have done a lot of thinking lately, and it's time to say goodbye. This Facebook thing is tearing up my nerves. Perhaps I'm a light-weight, too sensitive to the very opinionated articles and comments, but either way, I noticed how much influence the whole deal was having on my life. I have the sweetest baby in the world and a loving husband, but I was laying in bed at night staring at my phone to see what the hell everybody else was doing. My conversations often started with, "I saw on facebook..." In the big picture, I was keeping up with family and friends through a screen that I refreshed throughout the day. The problem is that it was very rarely "refreshing" for my mind. Countless articles of Moms bashing other Moms, political nonsense, drama between couples and friends, gym updates (that only made me feel depressed bec my fat ass needs to go to the gym). It was all too much. It was just insane how I let things bother me or influence me. How incredibly ridiculous it was of me allow this device to take up so much of my life and time. The very thing I speak out about and DON'T want my son to be controlled by was controlling me. Children learn by example, and I wanted him to really love people and get to know them deep down and do things that actually matter and help others, but I was consumed with facebook. It really hit home when I read an article about kids spending too much time looking at technology. The author was pointing fingers and the whole time I'm thinking... What are you doing right now? You are on your computer writing an article about being on the computer. What?! (Make note that I realize I'm doing the exact same thing right now, but he's napping:) So, I took it all in and realized that it was wrong in all sorts of ways. While Redding watches his fair share of Sienfield, I don't want him to be attached to a TV, phone, or iPad all the time. And I don't want to be either. I want him to see me planting flowers, having hilarious conversations with my husband, visiting someone who needs a helping hand, eating dinner at the table--- all uninterrupted by what's going on with Facebook. Can some people limit time on there and just enjoy the coolness of it? Yes. Am I one of those people right now in my life? No. So for now, farewell Facebook.. You're just too much. 


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