This is my Prayer

To say my prayer life has been lacking would be an understatement. All around me are needs, some small desires... others, deep wounds that haven't healed, sickness that is taking over, and broken hearts. How many times have I said "I'll be praying for you," with all the right intentions to actually do so, and then forgotten or become so busy that I don't make time to? Too many times to admit, I'm afraid. I've been spending a lot of time beating myself up about my prayer life, when I was reminded of something that was very refreshing (and challenging). As children, we are taught to bow our heads and join our hands together, beginning with, "Dear Lord." While these practices are important in showing reverence to God, I'm reminded that our "pretty words" aren't necessary for God. Aren't our thoughts and state of mind what He really wants? Is a scheduled time to talk to him the only way to communicate with him, before a meal, first thing in the morning, or when we lay our head on the pillow OR, what if, in fact, we could work on talking to him all day? What if He joined in on our every move and decision, and what if we allowed him to become so intertwined in our mind and heart that being in a conversation with him throughout the day came as natural as the air we breathe in? This, my friends, is prayer. 
Colossians 4:2; Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 


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