I Love You, Mom and Dad

Every day with a new baby brings a new challenge. Mostly exciting, but nevertheless, challenging. Every morning when I walk in Redding's room, I think, oh my gosh, he has grown so much overnight. I can't wait to get up and look at him. Each morning he seems more alert and different. He is starting to smile and stare at me and it really is just so exciting. I can hardly contain the love and happiness I have for him. This  experience has taught me so much and will continue to do so for the rest of my life, but one thing that I have been thinking a lot about is my own mother and father. Every night I have to get up when I hear his cry, and I feel a mixture of happiness, frustration, exhaustion, and love. Every day I plan when I will get my showers, change a million diapers, do laundry, cuddle with him, cook, play with him, read him books, sing to him, clean the house... And I genuinely love every single minute of it. My parents have always shown me love. They have always done things to show their love and they even tell me they love me...all the time. But I never fully understood their love until I had my son. The love that makes you sacrifice more than you had ever imagined. The love that literally makes you feel like your heart may just burst out of your chest. The love that makes you want to scream sometimes. The love that makes you cry tears of joy when you look into someone's eyes. The love that makes you worry yourself sick about their future...what will they be, who will they hang out with, will they know I love them, will they be happy, will they be safe? The love that causes your life to change, the love that makes you care less about makeup and going out, the love that consumes you so much that you forget to eat lunch sometimes, the love that makes you work hard for your marriage, your future, the love that makes you want to give them the world, the love that knows NO boundaries. This is the love that a parent has for a child. This is the love that my parents had for me and my brothers, and they made all these same sacrifices.
What a gift to have loving parents. I love you, mama and daddy. I now know how much you love me too. 


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